COOPERATIVE as defined in Republic Act 9520
Cooperative is an autonomous and duly registered association of persons, with a common bond of interest, who have voluntarily joined together to achieve their social, economic, and cultural needs and aspirations by making equitable contributions to the capital required, patronizing their products and services and accepting a fair share of the risks and benefits of the undertaking in accordance with universally accepted cooperative principles.
Agro-Harvesters Multi-Purpose Cooperative (AHMPC) blossomed as a response to Good Harvest Orchards Marketing Corporation’s (GHOMC) efforts toward democratizing Mango Farming for export through mass contract farming for Filipinos from all walks of life.
GHOMC services’ impact on the masses encouraged the corporation to seek support from cooperatives, so AHMPC was formed as an independent organization with its on juridical identity. AHMPC primarily intends to serve and unite GH tree owners to undertake joint productive activities under the cooperative principles.
Forged by tree-owners who were active in the cooperative movement, AHMPC was delegated to reach out to other cooperatives.
It was not a difficult decision to make for AHMPC’s pioneers to form the cooperative, seeing as there are numerous benefits AHMPC can provide to different sectors of society. So, on the 2nd of July 2007, AHMPC was formally registered at the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) and in compliance with RA 9520 was re-registered in March 22, 2010 with CDA Reg. No.: N-623-6248.
A responsive globally competitive multi-purpose cooperative on fruit industry.
- Advocate and address environmental issues and concern thru mango industry.
- Create sustainable livelihood opportunities for its members and public.
- Market only globally competitive products: “think globally, act locally.”
- Enhance the cooperative values of honesty, openness, solidarity, caring for others and fidelity.
- Advocate collectively the rights and privileges of members with transparency and proper accountability.
- To support market and process Good Harvest’s mango products and farm services.
- To promote cooperative as a way of life for the improvement of the social and economic well-being of the people.
- To undertake joint productive activities, thus, providing employment, growing productivity and increasing members’ income.
- To provide related services to enable its members to maximize the benefits from production.
Membership Qualification
The membership of AHMPC shall be opened to all individuals or institutions who are tree owners of the GH Orchard farm in Bagac, Bataan.
Membership Requirements
- Has completed the required Pre-Membership Education Seminar and Pay the life time membership fee of P500.00.
- Subscribed for a minimum of 100 shares valued at P10, 000.00 for individual member or to a minimum of 150 shares valued at P15, 000.00 for institutional member.
- Paid at least the 25% equivalent of the minimum subscription as initial share capital contribution or three thousand seven hundred fifty pesos (P3, 750.00) for institutional member or two thousand five hundred pesos (P2, 500.00) for individual member.
- Filled up membership application form to be approved by the Board of Directors.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Member
The member of AHMPC shall perform the following duties:
- Pays the remaining subscription balance on either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually for a maximum period of 18 months.
- Participates in the promotion and marketing of cooperative products and/or services.
- Promotes, advance and protect the interest of the cooperative.
- Patronizes regularly the goods and services of the cooperative.
- Attends trainings, seminars, conferences sponsored by the cooperative.
- Joins in the annual general membership assembly / special meetings.
- Contribute in the capital build-up and savings mobilization program of the cooperative.
- Bring new members into the cooperative.
Benefits of a Cooperative Member
- Economic: Credit Facilities; Interest on Share Capital; Patronage Refund; Economic of Scale; Technical & Marketing Assistance.
- Social: Providential Assistance; Training & Education.
- Political: Advocacy; Check & Balance.
Plans and Programs
- Promote AHMPC to all GH Tree Owners and other stake holders and embark on other form of membership campaign.
- Capital build-up and savings mobilization.
- Identify and prioritize business opportunities.
- Develop linkages with DTI, DOST and other governmental and non-governmental organizations for capability building.
- Conduct continuous training for the officers, members and staff.
- Perform strategic planning on marketing mango trees and other cooperative products.
Business Opportunities
- Processed Mango and other fruit products
- Agro-farming
- Water treatment refilling station
- Eco-Tourism
- Educational Events
- Zoo and Aviary
- Others